The hyphenation file for English would be hyphenUS.hyph So the New Zealand English files are named “en” for the language and NZ for the country. For example, the dictionary code for english would be enUS.dict The affix file name would be enUS.aff If you have a hyphenation file, the naming format is hyph, an underscore, the ISO 639-1 code for the language in lowercase, an underscore, and then the ISO code for the country.

The dictionary and affix file code use the ISO 639-1 code for the language in lowercase, an underscore, and then the ISO code for the country in uppercase. The format for naming them is created by the International Standards Organization (ISO). You want to make sure these files are named correctly. Renaming the language files Once you have the package contents, you want to look for two types of files: a spelling or hyphenation dictionary (.dic) file, and an affix (.aff) file.